Category Archives: Uncategorized

Agora x Urban Jungle

Agora teamed up with local botanical specialists the Urban Jungle to showcase our new summer collection.

The collection is driven by color; from the cosy pastel stripes of the pocket tees, to the bold contrast of the taped t shirts and shorts.

Shop the full collection online now

The Urban Jungle’s artisan plant collection is available for shopping and exploring in 2 locations around East Anglia, UK.

Photography by Bartosz Halicki

Vintage Hawaiian Shirts

Short sleeve collared shirts can be difficult to pull off.  With one exception – the Hawaiian shirt. No matter who you are, if its summer and you’re wearing a nice hawaiian shirt, you’re gunna look good.


Of course there are a lot of bad hawaiian shirts out there – that’s why we spent days  digging through hundreds to find the best, true vintage pieces.

vintage hawaiian shirts tropical
Check out what we found here

Re-Defining Split T Shirts

When split t shirts emerged as a trend in 2016 they came out hard. Suddenly every brand was splicing together shirts,  DIY video tutorials saturated youtube and bloggers were captivated by the unusual trend.

The hype has since faded as people became to realise that – while novel- cutting up two clashing t shirt designs and sticking them together actually looked pretty bad. Case in point:


But there’s still a place for split tees today.  Color-blocking and heavily contrasting colors are two concepts that have been at the forefront of streetwear design in 2018.

For our collection, we have brought split tees back to basics; focusing on complimentary colors and subtle designs that use center seam of the shirt to emphasize the theme of the artwork. Shop here

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Shoulder bags

shoulder bag

Shoulder bags have long been a niche accessory, usually reserved for UK urban dwelling youth, but this year has seen them emerge as a mainstream must-have. As vintage sportswear continues to take over contemporary streetwear, the kinds of items you would normally see consigned to shelves in stores like JD Sports, have become featured items in mainstream fashion stores like Urban Outfitters (who recently picked up a bunch of our bags) as well as fashion blogs.

While the shoulder bag has carried a bit of stigma around it – based on the notion that it has long been worn by roadmen, who use it as a stash pouch – the functionality of the bag is also the main reason its managed shake off this reputation. For some occasions the bags are irresistibly useful.  Afterall who wants to carry a wallet, phone and other valuables in their pockets at a festival?

Check out Daniel XYI’s deconstruction of our lost shoulder bag.

Often there is a lag before quintessentially Bristish or quintessentially American accessories are adopted on the other side of the Atlantic. For example snapback hats took an extra year to start gaining traction in europe after they killed off fitted hats in North America in 2011. We expect shoulder bags to become as ubiquitous in the US as Europe in time.

Shoulder bags shouldn’t be a statement piece, but they can certainly add something to a solid fit. Our bags are understated, and at £19.99 so you can pick one up and add it to any look you want. Check our collection here




Just in: New Watches





The Agora watch family has a couple of long overdue new members.

Our Marble Watch features a new rose gold chrome casing with matching logo and arms. A genuine leather tan strap ties the look together.

The Mode Watch features a matte black chrome casing with matching matte-finished leather strap. The discreet Agora logo provides a shiny contrast to the understated clock face.

Both watches feature a high quality japanese movement for excellent time-keeping. And in true Agora fashion both watches are available at the very affordable price of £19.99.


agora marble watchz mode watch




Striped T- Shirts

Striped tees always have a bit of a moment as spring approaches, but this year, stripes are going hard.

These kind of shirts are particularly complimentary to the kind of colors – earth tones and pales – and fits – roomy and natural – that have become the go-to in most people’s wardrobes. So its only natural that striped tees have become the must have shirt for spring/summer 17.

Of course A$AP Rocky’s much-lauded collaboration with Guess from 2016, featuring multiple colorways of striped tees in short sleeve and long sleeves, has only catalyzed this move to all things hooped and horizontal

Our two new striped tees are understated two color tops featuring discreet chest embroidery.

Agora Garamond Striped Tee £22.99


Agora Roman Striped Tee £22.99



bartman jacket 2

Rarely do we put together a blog post to show off one or two vintage pieces, but these Simpsonswave gems warranted their own showcase. This Simpsons denim jacket is no custom piece, its a licensed jacket dated 1990 and the patchwork and distressed affections are original!  The shirt is from 1991 and is printed on the back too. These garms are peak simpsons, coinciding with seasons 2 and 3.

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Normcore and the value of grandparents


Words by Jake Taylor

Ringing your Grandparents can feel like a chore. Endless chats about the weather, Brexit and the underlying feeling that they are closet racists can make for a painstaking conversation. However, what you may not realise is that your grandparents could also be some of the coolest people in the world, due to the fact that the biggest trend within streetwear at the moment seems to be dressing like an old man.

Vintage has always been a big deal within streetwear; old Tommy Hilfiger and Ralph Lauren relics have always been staples.  But this new trend is leaning towards more practical, basic and cozy clothing. Recently the likes of gilets, quarter length zip ups and fleeces (yes, fleeces!) have become the essentials for any streetwear follower.  Clothing giants such as Supreme (who recently collaborated with the old timers favourite Aquascutum) and Stussy have also taking inspiration from this new trend, with plenty of new releases looking like clothes you would find in your local charity shop rather than a high-end fashion establishment.

Much like the palewave movement we’ve seen recently, one of the best aspects of this new aesthetic is that anyone can achieve this look. Whilst people still hunt for designer gear, the truth is you don’t really need to. Most charity shops will stock beaten up denim jackets and fleeces and if you’re lucky enough you’ll come across some absolute steals.

The tones you’re looking for are earthy ones with khaki, forest green and camel being some of the basic staples as well as checkered and plaid patterns. Pair up a Ralph Lauren fleece with a beaten up denim jacket or gilet, chuck on some cargo pants and a fishermans beanie and head out onto the streets where you’ll be one of the trendiest people about. Or, head up to the Pennines where you will be ready to take on the terrain – the choice is really yours.


Workwear is one of the key aspects of this trend and it’s part of the reason we’ve seen a recent boom in the likes of Dickies, Carhartt and to an extent Doc Martens – which have now stopped being the shoe of the choice for the alternative crowd and now are a basic staple for any streetwear blogger. I doubt the fishermen, coal miners and dock workers of yesteryear cared too much bout whether the hems in their Levi’s were turned up perfectly or whether they even thought they looked good in what they were wearing for everyday life but the truth is that these people have inspired the newest boom in streetwear.


So, call up your granddad tonight. Ask him how he’s doing and see if he’s got any clothes he fancies chucking away – he probably will. My granddad recycles the same ASDA George jumpers, Levi’s and DM’s for as many years as he can whilst having a full closet full of bangers hidden away in his bedroom. The clothes that he has will more than likely be extremely fashionable now, so chuck them in a bag and put them on when you get home, take a snap in the mirror and hashtag ‘#OOTD’ and watch the likes roll in. But remember, your granddad is a fashionista now and he’s probably cooler than you.

For more thoughts from Jake Taylor, visit his blog

The welcome arrival of Palewave


new flyer one final

Words by Jake Taylor

For the last few years streetwear has been awash with men wearing drop crotch pants that made them look like they’d shat themselves and blacks on blacks on blacks was the in thing. The fuccboi movement (as it was commonly regarded) involved replacing all vowels with X’s and V’s – LVKX THXS – and religious listening to Trap Lord on repeat,  whilst desperately trying to pretend to your friends that you liked it. Thankfully, the days of the fuccboi seem to be over as streetwear makes the steps out of the dark and into the light. This year, the ‘palewave’ movement is having a real moment with pastels and earthy colored tones beginning to dominate lookbooks.

sand coach olive small

Agora Sand Coach Jacket w/Tonal olive hoodie


Rust Boucle 6 panel w/mint coach jacket

Palewave is exactly what it says on the tin: a movement based on pale, clean fitted clothing. It’s a step away from the previous over-saturated and monochromatic styles that have dominated streetwear for years and invites its followers to take the look into their own hands. The main perk of the movement is that unlike the recent boom in sportswear or the current trend of vintage high fashion brands is that the palewave look can be achieved easily and cheaply. White/Cream and Pale tees can be bought from anywhere with the  likes of Gildan and Fruit of the Loom stocking them for less than a fiver a pop to form the basic staple of the look. White trainers are available from most brands and if you’re looking for the cheaper alternative then the likes of  Reebok Classics and Workouts are always a shoulder to lean on, as are the fashionistas favorite – Adidas Stan Smiths.  Team these up with a stone coach jacket and a neutral coloured dad hat and you’re in business. All you need now is an industrial background featuring plenty of greys and whites and VSCO Cam to edit your pictures and you’re basically a fashion blogger.

outfit grid

Palewave’s status as the ‘in-look’ within streetwear highlights a growing trend within the creative industry  in which a ‘back to basics’ look is strongly rising to prominence. Minimalism is the in thing and brands are moving away from the Aztec and floral patterned garms worn by the Topman Lads of yesteryear in favor of striped back, basic and high quality pieces. The fact that the whole premise of the movement is based upon basic and untouched clothing means that it can’t become over saturated in the way the fuccboi movement was, whereby brands like Primark and market stalls across the country were selling t-shirts and hats with ‘DOPE’ and ‘TRVP LXRD’ printed across them. The cheaper brands selling items that fit the Palewave aesthetic may not be made with the same quality as the higher bracket of clothing, but it will look pretty much the same and that’s the beauty of it all – anyone can achieve the Palewave look.

Tonal hoodies

Tonal hoodies

Palewave is clean, it’s fresh and it doesn’t look like you’re on our way to the Watch The Throne tour that happened 4 years ago. It’s time to drop the Been Trill, step away from the ‘Commes de Fuckdown’ beanie and burn the ‘Cocaine and Caviar’ tee. Get yourself some jeans that fit, a couple of crisp white tee’s and trainers and join the wave.

For more from Jake Taylor click here